How to Uninstall a Yeoman Generator.

I'm using a Mac and I play around with Yeoman quite a bit. I'd like to delete a Yeoman generator and for some reason there's not a quick and easy step by step out there so here's what I found.

I'm using a Mac and I play around with Yeoman quite a bit.

I'd like to delete a Yeoman generator and for some reason there's not a quick and easy step by step exmaple out there so here's what I put together from several resources around the Interwebs.

You'll have to open up your terminal window and all thanks to this site stackoverflow

1. Open up a command line
2. Enter this command to get a list of your generators and their versions
npm list -g --depth=0 | grep 'generator'
3. You can remove the generator using this command and remember to exclude the ‘@[version]' that follows the generator name
npm uninstall -g [generator-name]
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